Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethics Case Study Essay

Utilitarianism Utilitarianism would not qualify Tom falsifying data as unethical, as it would have the greatest benefits to the larger quantity of stakeholders whilst only bringing a limited amount of harm. This can be seen through the stakeholders who benefit from Tom gaining full-time employment such as; his parents, the child receiving the life-saving sponsorship, the charity and the government, as Tom could start paying his HECS debt. One stakeholder who would be harmed by Toms dilemma is the small accounting firm in Milton. Ultimately the risk of this actually harming the business due to his lack of experience would be minimised due to Tom being tightly supervised for the first year of work. Egoism also maintains that the agent should do whatever they ought to do if it benefits themselves. In Toms moral dilemma, if he falsifies his CV in order to achieve full time work, he is acting on the natural instinct of self promotion that egoism sees as ethical. Kantian ethics Kantian ethics maintains that there are some things that are deemed wrong in themselves, apart from their consequences. This means that Tom should regard the act of lying as wrong; regardless whether it brings about good results. Kants categorical imperative states â€Å"I should never act except in such a way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal good† (Kant, 1996). In universalising a law that is not in relation to specific circumstances, it allows moral issues to be solved by pure rationality. When applying Toms situation to Kants universalisation theory, a maxim for Toms situation could be â€Å"one should falsify data if it benefits them†. This could not be accepted as a law universally as falsifying data could not be consistent, as eventually all data would be deemed tainted and therefore unusable, leading to the act of giving information to its own demise. If it  were ethical for Tom to falsify data, Tom would have to accept that it would therefore be ethical for everyone to do so. If everyone was free to fake data, universal lying would weaken trust in communication. Kant also states â€Å"act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of another, always at the same time as an end and never simply means† (Kant, 1996). If Tom falsified his CV, it would result in disrespect as the owners of the accounting firm are basing crucial business decisions on inaccurate data, which is unethical. Virtue ethics Applying virtue ethics is based on evaluating how virtuous Tom is, not just the actions or consequences of his moral situation. A virtue that can be applied from Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean is ‘indifference’ meaning good deeds are done for their own sake and not for personal recognition. The two vices of indifference are false modesty (deficiency) and careerist (excess). Assuming Tom decided to fake his CV he would display characteristics in the vice of excess meaning he is a careerist and would not be classified as virtuous, and therefore unethical. Ranking of Ethical Theories 1. Utilitarianism/Egoism Utilitarianism is in line with many fundamental morals that society intends for us to adopt. For example, two fundamental ethical principles are that we must avoid doing harm to others and aim to do good. When I consider certain actions or decisions, I usually evaluate them in terms of their consequences. Although it disregards the ethical element of an action, it looks at the benefits it can cause in solving my moral dilemmas. Egoism also  usually takes part in most of my moral decision making. I usually base many of my decisions on the consequences I can achieve, therefore find this most useful. 2. Virtue Ethics I use virtue ethics to solve some moral issues due to the benefit of gaining insight into emotional and personal values in relation to the action. I believe people are emotionally involved in ethical reasoning making virtue ethics a better way to assess whether an action is ethical or not. I find this theory somewhat useful as I believe every situation cannot be branded under absolute rules, as in Kantian Ethics. 3. Kantian Ethics Although Kantian seems like the ‘right’ moral structure to follow it is extremely idealistic and would not necessarily result in good outcomes for me or the greater good of everyone. I think due to it being a rigid system, in certain situations for my moral dilemmas, it could not be used as Kantian ethics does not factor the importance of character and motivation in making ethical judgements. Therefore I don’t believe I would assess the ethics of a dilemma accurately, finding this least useful. PART B Socially responsible organisations should aim to minimise their negative impacts, but the fast food industry faces extreme public criticism due to the effects it is having on some main stakeholders; consumers and communities. Fast food consumption is potentially harmful and if businesses adopt Friedmans’ shareholder theory by only focusing on short-term profit goals, the long-term welfare of customers is compromised. For example, Bowman, Gortmaker & Ebbeling (2004), indicate that â€Å"energy derived from fast  food is   10% of a child’s average recommended daily intake, 5 times more than the 1970’s†. This highlights the need for somebody to not only take responsibility but action. â€Å"Advertisers spend 100s of billions of dollars a year worldwide encouraging, persuading and manipulating children into a consumer lifestyle† (Beder, 1998), leading to devastating consequences. The narrow view by Friedman, where businesses adopt the ‘let the government do it’ theory is criticised as society now has a greater concern for a better quality of life which businesses could help achieve. Supporters of Freeman maintain that fast food corporations have a responsibility to their stakeholders and should acknowledge potential health risks associated with consuming fast food. Highly advertised food corporations should have responsibilities beyond enhancing their profits, because they have great social and economic power in society. This undeniable power discounts Friedman’s theory that the ‘business can’t handle it’. If corporations have such power, they should also take responsibility for its actions in these areas. Nature Neuroscience published a study linking â€Å"effects of fast food to those of addictive substances such as cocaine, heroin and nicotine† (Klein, 2010). If tobacco packaging in many countries legally have to display health warnings due to smoking being addictive, why does fast food packaging not have responsibility to do the same? Businesses who adopt a narrow view on CSR compromise stakeholders welfare. For example, on January 1954 in the US â€Å"main tobacco companies published a statement named ‘A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers’ reaching an estimated 43,245,000 Americans† (Cummings, 2002). The advertisement promised consumers that cigarettes were safe and denied all health risks to consumers. This resulted in millions of people dying due to lacking concern stemming from the companies understating health effects in a blind effort to create profit. This scenario could almost determine the future of fast food industries being irresponsible about  marketing to addicted consumers. If major food corporations don’t undertake measures to outweigh unhealthy promotion to children and society, they might too face the same consequences.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cyber Bullying

ABC News reported on a survey prepared by I-SAFE. ORG. This of 1,500 students between grades 4-8 reported: 42% OR 630 of kids have been bullied while online. One in four have had it happen more than once. 35% OR 525 of kids have been threatened online. Nearly one in five had had it happen more than once. 1% OR 315 of kids have received mean or threatening e-mails or other messages. 58% OR 870 of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than four out of ten say it has happened more than once. 58% OR 870 have not told their parents or an adult about something mean or hurtful that happened to them online. THAT WAS SOME INFORMATION ON CYBER-BULLYING WITH CHILDREN, LETS REVIEW HOW CYBER-BULLYING AFFECTS ADULTS AND THE WORKPLACE. ALTHOUGH IT IS MORE COMMON, CYBER BULLYING IS NOT LIMITED TO CHILDREN.ADULT TO ADULT CYBER-BULLYING, IS IDENTIFIED BY THE SAME BEHAVIORS AS CHILDREN BUT IS REFERRED TO AS CYBER-HARASSMENT, OR CYBER STALKING BECAUSE OR THE AGE DIFFERE NCE. WITH ADULTS THE INTENT IS TO THREATEN THE VICTIMS EARNING, EMPLOYMENT, REPUTATION, OR SAFETY, AND USUALLY TAKES PLACE IN THE WORKPLACE ACCORDING TO THE DIGNITY AND WORK PARTNERSHIP GROUP. A survey of 1,072 workers by the Dignity and Work Partnership found that one in five had been bullied at work by e-mail AND believes cyber-bullying is a problem in their workplace.Cyberstalkers use posts, forums, journals and other online means to present a victim in a false and unflattering light. Various companies provide cases of cyber-stalking (involving adults) follow the pattern of repeated actions against a target. While motives vary, whether romantic, a business conflict of interest, or personal dislike, the target is commonly someone whose life the stalker sees or senses elements lacking in his or her own life. NOW LET ME TELL YOU SOME OF THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF CYBER BULLYING. Research had demonstrated a number of serious consequences of cyber-bullying victimization. 4][6][7][8] For e xample, victims have lower self-esteem, increased suicidal ideation, and a variety of emotional responses, cyber-bullying back, being scared, frustrated, angry, and depressed. [6]One of the most damaging effects is that a victim begins to avoid friends and activities, often the very intention of the cyber-bully. Cyber-bullying campaigns are sometimes so damaging that victims have committed suicide. There are at least four examples in the United States where cyber-bullying has been linked to the suicide of a teenager. 6] The suicide of Megan Meier is a recent example that led to the conviction of the adult perpetrator of the attacks. Intimidation, emotional damage, suicide The reluctance youth have in telling an authority figure about instances of cyber-bullying has led to fatal outcomes. At least three children between the ages of 12 and 13 have committed suicide due to depression brought on by cyber-bullying, according to reports by USA Today and the Baltimore Examiner. Never be bu llied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. † Cyber Bullying Is Cyber-bullying really a problem? Bullying has been around forever but cyber bullying is different because it lets a bully remain anonymous. It is easier to bully in cyberspace than it is to bully face to face. With cyber bullying a bully can pick on people with much less risk of being caught. Bullies are natural instigators and in cyberspace bullies can enlist the participation of other students who may be unwilling to bully in the real world. Cyber bullying is any harassment that occurs in the Internet.Vicious forum posts, name calling in chat rooms, posting fake profiles on web sites, and mean or cruel email messages are all ways of cyber bullying. â€Å"Around 10 percent of all adolescents in grades 7-9 are victims of internet bullying. ‘This type of bullying can be more serious than conventional bullying. At least with conventional bullying the victim is left alone on evenings and weekends. † Many people may think that cyber-bullying isn’t a problem in life , well think again it can change a victim’s life forever by just one offensive comment about them.I will make the victim want to commit suicide, drop out of school, and suffer from self-esteem issues like depression and anxiety. We must fight for what is right, sooner the better. What cyber-bullies would do in order for them to trace their victims or look for victims is most likely where they would have easy access and that would be through the internet and through cell phones. For cell phones they are able to contact with others by texting or calling but for the internet it would have websites where most kids would join now a days such as, facebook, myspace, twitter, blogspots, and e-mail.I would say that the internet is one of the best places for cyber-bullying than through cell phones because when communicating through the internet they are able to not only associate with only their victims but with other people in the world so not only that one person that they’re bullying are seeing it many people around the world are able to see it also, which in that case would make the victims situations even worse. Above all, no matter what techniques that bullies use it is a way for them to harm others. Online bullying, called cyberbullying, happens when teens use the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. † The internet is appealing to many bullies because it makes it easier for them to be cruel and vicious to their victims when there isn’t any personal contact with them and its difficult to trace the activities that they’re doing. â€Å"Victims of internet bullying — or cyberbullying — have no refuge.Victims may be harassed continuously via SMS and websites, and the information spreads very quickly and may be difficult to remove. In addition, it is often difficult to identify the perpetrator. † Hurting others is a way to call it their comfort zone because makes them feel better about themselves and when they do encounter with problems of their own the only way to makes them feel more respected or get them back on their feet is by causing trouble through the technologies because not many of their victims are able to stand up for themselves so bullies feel more superior.For them to harm others is mostly to gain friends that they always wanted to hangout with, since peer pressure has been an issue for many students bullying others is way for them to gain more respect from others especially from their victims. What cyber-bullies didn’t realize is that it can cause a whole lot of problems for their victim that it created a great nightmare not to only to the victim but even to the victims loved ones because it makes a great destruction to ones life. Cyber bullying In these days, internet has become a vital part of our life – both in working or killing time. We may even regard this invisible site as an epitome of our society in reality. Therefore, every phenomenon that takes place in the internet somehow is a projection from out real life. While, bullying, is transformed to a phenomenon in the internet that called cyber-bullying. Why is this happened? The reason's simple – people's being more and more catty. It's because, cyber bullying hurts more deeply, and these evil wounds may keep bleeding for ever†¦ Bullying in the reality mainly hurt victims physically, while it could also hurt one's self-esteem -For example, verbal insulting†¦etc. But still, victims could have chance to escape from those beliers, and it would be more easier for adults to trace for evidence hence preventing this happen again. But cyber bullying is a touchy issue to deal with. First, cyber bully are usually sly – they could delete the evidence once the victim strike by just pressing a button on the keyboard. Then, the bully would not need to be punished because the evidence disappeared suddenly. Then the victim will certainly be kept on insulted by the bully. Where you may say you could avoid having contact with the internet, but can you? As I said, nowadays, the internet had become a vital part in our daily life, can you avoid accessing to it? And once you get to the internet, could you control your curiosity? Even you can, how about your MSN, inbox, Facebook or Myspace ? Those nasty messages can't be edited by you and, they will just be right there forever if you don't take any action. It would be read by any one including yourself. And this will turnout to become a kind of bullying in the reality. People will laught at you because of the message about you in the internet. It's only a vicious cycle. Everything will turn sour and blue if you just keep on being a silent victim. And eventually, you will terminate your life to relief your suffrage, pressure, pain, anger†¦etc. While the bully may just laughing at your death, while, who love you will burst into tears for your death. Death is absolutely not a solution for a problem! The best way to deal with bullying or cyber bullying is to stand out and face the problem positively. You may keep the evidence but not just ignoring them. Talk this issue with your parents and teachers, they will give you wise advices. If the situation's really worst, you may also seek help from the police force too. Our society won't accept the existence of any kind of bullying. Everyone would try their best to help you – you are not alone! But remember, never revenage. If you did this, you will just become another bully. Remember, anger is a poison – it eats you inside. Without your support, bullying still exist as we may have a devil mind. Let's to create a harmony society in the future together. Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying has become a result of teens committing suicide. Last fall Audrie Pott was allegedly ganged raped by three boys after she had fallen asleep do to the consumption of alcohol the three boys later, tormenting her with pictures of her engaging in a sexual form with one of these boys. Pictures were shared around school as well as texting the images and posting them online. After being tormented for two years she started developing suicidal thoughts which later led to her death. In ohio two star football players were convicted of raping a drunk 16 year old girl. They gained media through lurid text messages, cell phone pictures and videos, and social media post surrounding the sexual abuse of the girl. One of the convicted felons was found guilty disseminating a nude photo of a minor. Once something has been posted on the internet it can never be erased. Imagine these young girls that don’t remember anything that happened the night before then waking up discovering they have been sexually abused. Yea, this can be a traumatizing event leaving scars and wounds that can never be healed. Some can leave these events in the past while others would just take their lives away like Audrie Pott. How can cyber bullying be prevented? Simply having more talks with young kids regarding bullying as well as bringing guest speakers to inspire kids not to bully. Also enforcing the law on young teenagers just because they’re young that doesn’t mean they cannot take care of the mess they have created. Allard the attorney for the pott family, said his clients are pushing the â€Å"Audrie’s Law,† which would stiffen penalties for cyber bullying and strengthen laws on sexual assaults by trying adolescents as adults. Cyber Bullying vCyber bullying has become a huge problem in today’s society. There was once a day where cell phones or social networking did not exist and any problem you had with anyone was handled face to face and not behind a computer screen. If you told this to kids today they would probably be surprised. We’ve all been a victim of minor cyber bullying or bullying in general and although I haven’t experienced cyber bullying to its full potential, I’ve sat on the sidelines and watched how cruel my peers can be. About two weeks ago a fight broke out on Instagram between and friend of mine and her ex-boyfriends best friend.The breakup was bitter and his friends were trying to protect him and fight his battles. The ex-boyfriends friend commented on my friends Instagram picture and called the boys in it â€Å"doofy† not too harsh, but they came back at him ten times worse. I’ve witnessed a lot of people get bullied throughout high school and I myself have ha d some pretty cruel things said to me and I’ve said some things to people that I shouldn’t have said, but what these kids were saying to this boy was worse than any type of bullying I’ve ever witnessed.They told him that the world would be a better place without him and that he should just go hang himself. They told him to go hang out with Amanda Todd, a young teen who recently within the past few months made the news for committing suicide. They told him to that he should go kill himself to rid one more retard of the world and make the world better. Lastly, they told him to go drink bleach. I don’t even know the boys name that they bullied, yet I felt so sorry for him and felt that I had to stick up for him.Fortunately the boy did not take the advice of the cruel teenagers and he fought back until the Instagram feud was over. The problem doesn’t only exist in situations that I explained about but in many more ways where maybe the person that was b eing bullied did nothing wrong to deserve the treatment that they got. Not everyone is cyberbullied because of something they did wrong or because of a fight that they instigated. Some cases of cyber bullying had the cause of just plain jealousy. Approximately seventy-five percent of teenagers today have and are using cell phones.And the ones with cell phones send around three thousand text messages a month. With these cell phones do their parents really know what they are doing? Are they suffering from immense amounts of bullying? Or are they on the other side? The problem is that no one really knows and by the time a teenager takes their own life or starts to self harm, it’s too late because the parents had no clue. Thirty percent of children who are online whether it be Facebook or Twitter has admitted to being harassed.In the past few years, cyber bullying has gotten much more serious because not only are kids calling each other names, they’re starting to blackmail . If a young girl sends a nude picture through text message to a boy, and that picture gets in the hands of one of his friends or even another girl, the girl that sent the picture has the risk of having her picture sent around the school or even uploaded to social networking sites. Some might wonder how does a parent stop their children from sending or receiving these harsh texts.It is recommended that the parent sets a time period where the child can and cannot send or receive text messages. There is also an app that can stop sexts, and cyber bullying texts from send to a cell phone. Add your child on Facebook, follow them on Twitter. They may not like it at first but if you can prevent them from being bullied or from facing charges from cyber bullying, they will thank you in the long run. â€Å"Keep kids safe from cyberbullies – CNN. †Ã‚  Featured Articles from CNN. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6  Feb. 2013. â€Å"Keep kids safe from cyberbullies – Page 2 – CN N. †Ã‚  Featured Articles from CNN. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6  Feb. 2013. Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying has become a result of teens committing suicide. Last fall Audrie Pott was allegedly ganged raped by three boys after she had fallen asleep do to the consumption of alcohol the three boys later, tormenting her with pictures of her engaging in a sexual form with one of these boys. Pictures were shared around school as well as texting the images and posting them online. After being tormented for two years she started developing suicidal thoughts which later led to her death. In ohio two star football players were convicted of raping a drunk 16 year old girl. They gained media through lurid text messages, cell phone pictures and videos, and social media post surrounding the sexual abuse of the girl. One of the convicted felons was found guilty disseminating a nude photo of a minor. Once something has been posted on the internet it can never be erased. Imagine these young girls that don’t remember anything that happened the night before then waking up discovering they have been sexually abused. Yea, this can be a traumatizing event leaving scars and wounds that can never be healed. Some can leave these events in the past while others would just take their lives away like Audrie Pott. How can cyber bullying be prevented? Simply having more talks with young kids regarding bullying as well as bringing guest speakers to inspire kids not to bully. Also enforcing the law on young teenagers just because they’re young that doesn’t mean they cannot take care of the mess they have created. Allard the attorney for the pott family, said his clients are pushing the â€Å"Audrie’s Law,† which would stiffen penalties for cyber bullying and strengthen laws on sexual assaults by trying adolescents as adults. Cyber bullying In these days, internet has become a vital part of our life – both in working or killing time. We may even regard this invisible site as an epitome of our society in reality. Therefore, every phenomenon that takes place in the internet somehow is a projection from out real life. While, bullying, is transformed to a phenomenon in the internet that called cyber-bullying. Why is this happened? The reason's simple – people's being more and more catty. It's because, cyber bullying hurts more deeply, and these evil wounds may keep bleeding for ever†¦ Bullying in the reality mainly hurt victims physically, while it could also hurt one's self-esteem -For example, verbal insulting†¦etc. But still, victims could have chance to escape from those beliers, and it would be more easier for adults to trace for evidence hence preventing this happen again. But cyber bullying is a touchy issue to deal with. First, cyber bully are usually sly – they could delete the evidence once the victim strike by just pressing a button on the keyboard. Then, the bully would not need to be punished because the evidence disappeared suddenly. Then the victim will certainly be kept on insulted by the bully. Where you may say you could avoid having contact with the internet, but can you? As I said, nowadays, the internet had become a vital part in our daily life, can you avoid accessing to it? And once you get to the internet, could you control your curiosity? Even you can, how about your MSN, inbox, Facebook or Myspace ? Those nasty messages can't be edited by you and, they will just be right there forever if you don't take any action. It would be read by any one including yourself. And this will turnout to become a kind of bullying in the reality. People will laught at you because of the message about you in the internet. It's only a vicious cycle. Everything will turn sour and blue if you just keep on being a silent victim. And eventually, you will terminate your life to relief your suffrage, pressure, pain, anger†¦etc. While the bully may just laughing at your death, while, who love you will burst into tears for your death. Death is absolutely not a solution for a problem! The best way to deal with bullying or cyber bullying is to stand out and face the problem positively. You may keep the evidence but not just ignoring them. Talk this issue with your parents and teachers, they will give you wise advices. If the situation's really worst, you may also seek help from the police force too. Our society won't accept the existence of any kind of bullying. Everyone would try their best to help you – you are not alone! But remember, never revenage. If you did this, you will just become another bully. Remember, anger is a poison – it eats you inside. Without your support, bullying still exist as we may have a devil mind. Let's to create a harmony society in the future together. Cyber Bullying vCyber bullying has become a huge problem in today’s society. There was once a day where cell phones or social networking did not exist and any problem you had with anyone was handled face to face and not behind a computer screen. If you told this to kids today they would probably be surprised. We’ve all been a victim of minor cyber bullying or bullying in general and although I haven’t experienced cyber bullying to its full potential, I’ve sat on the sidelines and watched how cruel my peers can be. About two weeks ago a fight broke out on Instagram between and friend of mine and her ex-boyfriends best friend.The breakup was bitter and his friends were trying to protect him and fight his battles. The ex-boyfriends friend commented on my friends Instagram picture and called the boys in it â€Å"doofy† not too harsh, but they came back at him ten times worse. I’ve witnessed a lot of people get bullied throughout high school and I myself have ha d some pretty cruel things said to me and I’ve said some things to people that I shouldn’t have said, but what these kids were saying to this boy was worse than any type of bullying I’ve ever witnessed.They told him that the world would be a better place without him and that he should just go hang himself. They told him to go hang out with Amanda Todd, a young teen who recently within the past few months made the news for committing suicide. They told him to that he should go kill himself to rid one more retard of the world and make the world better. Lastly, they told him to go drink bleach. I don’t even know the boys name that they bullied, yet I felt so sorry for him and felt that I had to stick up for him.Fortunately the boy did not take the advice of the cruel teenagers and he fought back until the Instagram feud was over. The problem doesn’t only exist in situations that I explained about but in many more ways where maybe the person that was b eing bullied did nothing wrong to deserve the treatment that they got. Not everyone is cyberbullied because of something they did wrong or because of a fight that they instigated. Some cases of cyber bullying had the cause of just plain jealousy. Approximately seventy-five percent of teenagers today have and are using cell phones.And the ones with cell phones send around three thousand text messages a month. With these cell phones do their parents really know what they are doing? Are they suffering from immense amounts of bullying? Or are they on the other side? The problem is that no one really knows and by the time a teenager takes their own life or starts to self harm, it’s too late because the parents had no clue. Thirty percent of children who are online whether it be Facebook or Twitter has admitted to being harassed.In the past few years, cyber bullying has gotten much more serious because not only are kids calling each other names, they’re starting to blackmail . If a young girl sends a nude picture through text message to a boy, and that picture gets in the hands of one of his friends or even another girl, the girl that sent the picture has the risk of having her picture sent around the school or even uploaded to social networking sites. Some might wonder how does a parent stop their children from sending or receiving these harsh texts.It is recommended that the parent sets a time period where the child can and cannot send or receive text messages. There is also an app that can stop sexts, and cyber bullying texts from send to a cell phone. Add your child on Facebook, follow them on Twitter. They may not like it at first but if you can prevent them from being bullied or from facing charges from cyber bullying, they will thank you in the long run. â€Å"Keep kids safe from cyberbullies – CNN. †Ã‚  Featured Articles from CNN. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6  Feb. 2013. â€Å"Keep kids safe from cyberbullies – Page 2 – CN N. †Ã‚  Featured Articles from CNN. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6  Feb. 2013.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Country Analysis Project (CAP) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Country Analysis Project (CAP) - Research Paper Example This led to massive climate changes over time because of overgrazing which desiccated the land and led to the encroachment of the Sahara desert. This led to massive migration and settlement along the fertile Nile valleys and formed a more centralized society. In the Nile valley, a Neolithic culture rooted by 6000BC. In this era, there was development of several dynastic cultures in the upper and the lower Nile. The lower Egyptian communities coexisted with the southern communities for over 2000 years, but remained distinct culturally and at the same time, retained close trade contact. According to the CIA World Fact Book, Egypt is one of the world’s earliest civilizations. This is because of the richness in the regular Nile river floods, plus the partial segregation that the desert provides to the east and west. In 341 BC, the last native dynasty ruled over Egypt but fell under the Persians, who were later toppled by the Greeks and Romans. From the seventh century BC, the Arab s ruled Egypt for six centuries. A local military social group, the Mamluks, took control and continued to rule after the invasion of Egypt in 1517 by the Ottoman Turks. The completion of the Suez Canal made Egypt an important global transportation hub, though it was also in massive debt. To protect its investments, Britain seized control of Egypt in1882, though nominal allegiance to the Ottoman Empire went on until 1914. By 1922, Egypt was partially independent from the United Kingdom. It got full sovereignty in 1952 after overthrowing a British backed monarchy (Stannard, p. 112). Egypt’s economic assessment The economy of this country relies mostly on agriculture, petroleum exports, media and tourism. Since 1979, the United States foreign aid has granted Egypt an average of 2.2 billion dollars per year, making it the third largest recipient of foreign funding. The government has invested heavily in physical structures and communications. However, the largest revenue source is tourist and partly traffic. Economic growth Before the 2011 uprising in Egypt, the country was enjoying a rising GDP acceleration, which reached a height of 7.1 % in 2006/2007. This was from rise in both public and private investment, with a continued, substantive economic investment. However, labor productivity continues to show sluggish growth, which presents a potential harm to the gross domestic growth. Poverty Though there are low incidences of extreme poverty, a whopping 43.9% of the total population leaves under ?2 per day. With this, it has an enormous challenge of transforming growth to poverty eradication. Reforms will aim at development of human capital, creation of jobs and productivity. Economic structure In Egypt, the largest economic sector of both labor force and output is in services. Industrial activities propel growth in revenue. At the second position is agriculture as a source of employment, though has the least output. For future growth, creation of jobs is imperative, especially in the industrial sector and increasing agricultural and services productivity for long term economic structural transformation (Rotberg, p. 79). Fiscal and monetary policy Between 2002/2003 and 2006/2007, Egypt’s budget deficit fell from 9.0% of their GDP to 7.7%. This is because the government lowered subsidies on fuel and held back wage growth. Interest payment and subsidy depress the government’s capital spending. Rapid supply and money growth continue to drive up inflation rates (Rotberg,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gas Cell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gas Cell - Essay Example Configured for gas sampling, the cell incorporates 2 valves, an inlet and an outlet, that enable flowing gas samples through the cell. In its solid and liquid vaporization configuration, the cell has an outlet needle valve from which a vacuum can be pulled and two (2) sample inlets. One inlet is a needle septa injection port on the top of the cell which is similar to the type used in gas chromatography. There is a second inlet in the form of a side port for inserting solid samples, which also doubles as the thermocouple port. Using the side port eliminates the need to recheck vacuum seals whenever the cell is opened to insert solid samples. The 250w heating jacket extends over the end of the cell so that both the cell body and the optics are heated, and allows operation at temperatures up to 1000K. Condensation on the optics is minimized by heating them to the same temperature as the sample chamber. A type J iron constantan thermocouple is provided with plugs which are compatible with the optional temperature controller. The cell body is type 304 stainless steel and an assortment of seals is provided - silicon rubber, viton and PTFE. Stainless Steel 304: SS 304 is the most versatile and the most ... It also has excellent low temperature properties and responds well to hardening by cold working. SS 304 is used in all industrial, commercial and domestic fields because of its good corrosion and heat resisting properties. Using SS304 is reducing the chances of failure of cell due to heating & creep. Creep Data Stress for a creep rate of 1% in 10 000 h. Temperature, oC 550 600 650 700 800 Temperature, K 823 873 923 973 1073 Stress, MPa 120 80 50 30 10 Environment Data/ Corrosion Rate The performance of SX 304 compared with other metals in various environments is shown in the following table. The corrosion rates are based on a 10 year exposure. Environment Corrosion Rate (m/year) SS 304 Mild Steel Rural 0.0025 5.8 Marine 0.0076 34.0 Marine Industrial 0.0076 46.2 So as compared to other metals stainless steel 304 is having very less corrosion rate, so this metal is best for the Gas cell. Stainless steel is also a preferred substrate because of its lower cost to fabricate into a mirror it requires multi-layer coatings, including gold as the primary reflective surface, which is expensive. Copper: Copper is a chemical element. Copper is malleable, ductile, excellent electrical conductor, non magnetic, resistant to corrosion, excellent heat transfer capacity, durable, & recyclable element. It is a ductile metal with excellent electrical conductivity and is rather soft in its pure state and has a pinkish luster which is. It finds extensive use as an electrical conductor, heat conductor, as a building material, and as a component of various alloys. Though copper has ductility property hence it can be drawn into thin wire. The ductility property of copper can reduce the chance of failure of cell due to

Intangible Assets, IAS 38 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Intangible Assets, IAS 38 - Essay Example Another criterion of identifying these assets is from contractual or other legal rights. Examples of these intangible assets would include patents, customer lists, copyrights and computer software. Some of these can be included in the financial statements of a given firm. The sale of computer software would indeed be included in a financial statement. Computer software is a person’s intelligence converted into programs acceptable to the computer platform. Intelligence is an asset that one would not see, touch or physically measure yet the products developed from the same are of great value (Alexander, Britton, & Jorissen, 2010). Looking at these intangible assets in this perspective, that they can be converted onto tangible assets then one would rightly argue that they should be included in the financial statements of the company. Internally generated brands are those products that are unique to a given firm only. The uniqueness comes into play owing to the fact that they are generated right within the company. They are not bought from outside then sold from the firm but are those generated from within the company (ibid). They are born of the intangible assets within the firm. Software manufacturing companies are most commonly known for this. Examples of these are Avast, Kaspersky, as well as Avira. These are software manufactured by different companies thus the difference in uniqueness. Lots of debates have been put forward criticizing the inclusion of these internally generated brands into the financial statements. Whichever way one decides to look at it, their inclusion would have advantages and disadvantages which are discussed in the following discourse. The main advantage lies on the fact that not a lot of monetary resources would be used in their creation. The normal monthly salary of the employee is all it takes to make an employee working in a given firm employ the best of his/her intelligence to the firm. The resulting products from an

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Palliative Care Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Palliative Care - Case Study Example The report then discusses the case in light of current medical practice in the field of palliative care and applies the ACE model in the design and implementation of the palliative care plan of the patient. Palliative care for the elderly is a critical healthcare service whose objective is to improve the quality of life of the elderly. Although a lot has been done in terms of research initiatives, and education of healthcare providers, the quality of healthcare is yet to reach the desired standards (Jerant, Azari, Nesbitt, & Meyers, 2004). In many instances, design of care provision often overlooks the elderly who in fact have the greatest need for the care due to the complex nature of their needs. Despite this, palliative care is progressively being incorporating the elderly in the design of care and has played a major role in alleviating pain and distressing symptoms thereby gaining wide acceptance as a recognized specialty of nursing (Becker, 2009). Palliative care and nursing are also closely intertwined and the knowledge and skills required are applicable across the nursing profession. It is therefore critical that nurses acquire critical skills and knowledge that would enable them to conduct research and apply current evidence based practice guidelines in palliative care delivery. This report will be based on a case study of a 78 year old man brought into the ER after being found down and altered by a friend.... On physical examination, the heart rate was in the 110’s and improved to 130 and then to 140’s systolic with fluid resuscitation. On further examination; the patient is noted to be cachetic, and malnourished. He was alert, oriented, awake and talking. The mucous membranes were very dry. He had tachycardia with inspiratory rales on the right upper lobe of the lung. The abdomen was non distended and non tender. His laboratory results revealed a white blood cell count 16.1 with a left shift, the sodium concentration was 128, the creatinine level was 2.0, and lactate at 5.1. His chest x ray was clear and the head CT scan of the head revealed moderate hypoattenuation of the white matter. The patient has evidence of having an acute kidney injury and hyponatremia. The patient displays evidence of failure to thrive. The initial diagnosis made included altered mental status, acute kidney injury, failure to thrive, malnourishment, starvation, weight loss, history of alcohol abuse , severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dehydration, and hyponatemia, The condition of the patient was determined to be critical and he was admitted into the medical intensive care unit. While in the MICU, the patient complained of increasing cough, difficulty swallowing and abdominal pain. On auscultation of the lungs, there were scattered rhonchi across the lung fields both posterior and anterior. The patient grimaced on palpation of the abdomen and had a productive cough. The bowel sounds were hyperactive and the abdominal x-ray revealed a large amount of stool within the rectosigmoid colon. There were also several air filled loops in the mid to upper abdomen. The mucosal lining appeared thickened and distorted. The x-ray of the chest

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cataract (right) removal and intraocular lens implant Essay

Cataract (right) removal and intraocular lens implant - Essay Example The patient may need brighter light to read or may go in for frequent changes in glasses. In advanced stages there may be double vision in a single eye. Cataract does not cause pain. Only a hyper mature cataract may cause pain, redness and inflammation and this is rare. Cataract affects lens in the eyes which is located just behind the iris and the pupil. It may or may not affect the entire lens. The lens consists of three layers. The outer layer which is the capsule is a thin, clear membrane. It surrounds a soft, clear material called cortex. The hard center of the lens is the nucleus. A cataract can form in any part of the lens. In most cases, cataract develops in both the eyes. However, cataract occurring as a consequence of injury or trauma can occur in single eyes. In normal eyes, the lens focuses light, producing clear, sharp images on the retina. Due to cataract, the lens becomes clouded, which scatters the light and prevents a sharply defined image from reaching your retina, causing blurred vision. Nuclear cataract: This type of cataract occurs in the nucleus of the lens. There may be a temporary improvement in the reading vision in the initial stages due to the way it focuses light. However, as the lens gets clouded, vision gradually diminishes. Dim light vision and driving at night may be especially troublesome. Advanced discoloration can lead to difficulty distinguishing between shades of blue and purple. Cortical cataract: This type of cataract occurs in the cortex and begins as whitish, wedge-shaped opacities or streaks on the outer edge of the lens cortex and gradually encroach the centre. Both the distance and near vision can be impaired. Focusing and glare problems along with distortion and loss of contrast are also common. Subcapsular cataract: A subcapsular cataract starts as a small, opaque area just under the capsule of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writing - Assignment Example I strongly believe that the warm moist space underneath the foreskin is a prime breeding zone for bacteria. Thus, it can harbor organisms that can transmit sexually transmitted diseases. Once a man gets rid of his foreskin, this would be avoided. As well, circumcision is hygienic since once the foreskin is removed, the cheese-like, foul smelling substance will never accumulate. However, this could contribute to infections between partners, and can even cause cancer. Circumcised men find it easy to keep their bodies hygienic contrary to uncircumcised men. It is worth noting that the fact that circumcised men keep off bacteria and other disease causing microorganisms, it is true to say that circumcision reduces transmission of HIV/AIDS. Uncircumcised men are at a higher risk of contracting STIs, than circumcised ones. My view on circumcision has been influenced by medical studies. The basis of these views is primarily medical, and has been proved to be true. After reading a lot of studies regarding circumcision, I came to realize that it promotes healthy living. For this reason, circumcision should be practiced by all men if at all they mind about their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Cross Cultural Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cross Cultural Literature - Essay Example It is also a way to change perception regarding one’s culture and instead of stereotyping, people should learn the beliefs of others. While going global, the diversification is much more and one gets a chance to deal with different type of dealing with various types of people who are different from them in terms of culture, religion, habits and much more. At that time it is important for one to know the aspects of dealing with the diversification. Cross Cultural literature is important because of the consistent changing of trends from West to East. Communication Challenges in Cross Culture Communication is a great challenge while moving into the different cultures because if one act is followed in one culture then it’s not necessary that the same act will also be supported in other cultures. While going global or Glocal in business, the management should have the international understanding of the cultures so that it gets easier for them to communicate with different cl asses of people. There are certain cultural variables that need to be studied while communicating with different people; Attitudes It means stereotyping. Usually people when they move from one country to another for work purpose, these types of problems arise. Managers or employees working in that environment start over generalizing those who are different from their cultures. ... Role Role means the status and level of one based on his age. Usually every individual is treated equally but within these rules people try to discriminate their companions or subordinate. Language Language is a bridge between various cultures. It create the big difference because while communication there are different meanings of different statements. Example: â€Å"COME OUT OF THE GRAVE WITH PEPSI† This statement is considered right in context of west culture but when it comes to regions or cultures like India, this statement is proved to be wrong. For India where majority is the follower of Hinduism, this statement is not effective because it’s hitting their cultural values. So while sharing any idea regarding something, one should be alert or aware of the words he/she is using to give the idea because it may or may not directly pointing their culture but indirectly it could be taken in wrong meanings. One more example is â€Å"When YES doesn’t mean YES†. It means that when Chinese, Japanese and Pakistanis say YES while talking to someone, that doesn’t means that they will follow your commands, it actually means that â€Å"YES we are listening to you†. Non-Verbal Communication Non-Verbal Communication plays a very important role in context of cultural diversification. It includes kinesics behavior (E.g., Sticking out the tongue in China); Power distances (Proximity- E.g. The corner office, Closeness when talking), Paralanguage (e.g. the sound of silence), Objective Language (E.g. Monochronic vs. Polychronic) and most importantly eye contact. Trust in conducting Business within cross cultures There are some countries that do negotiate

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Historiographical Paper on Latin America Specificly on Educational Essay

Historiographical Paper on Latin America Specificly on Educational Policies under Populist leaders in Brazil, Mexico and Argentina - Essay Example Following the Great Depression many Latin American countries were seeking new ideas and policies to ward off economic losses. Notably, populist leaders made effective use of the media to gain the attention and patronage of a large voting pool within the community. Importantly, populist leaders considered the large indigenous populations that were part of their nations heritage, initiating discourse of inter-culturality and multi-cultural education. This incorporated concepts of democracy, equality and a civil society. Further, populism looked to debate and respect the cultural and linguistic plurality of indigenous peoples, and to rectify their day-to-day struggles with oppressive and unequal social relations (Aikman, 2004). This paper will review the populist education policies of the presidents; Lazaro Crdenas (Mexico); Juan Pern (Argentina); and Getlio Vargas (Brazil). President Crdenas's term was noteworthy for its extension of education resources and opportunities to the rural areas of Mexico, along with changes to land distribution and the formation of labor unions (Encyclopedia of the Nations, 2006). The dramatic reformation programs initiated by Crdenas promoted domestic industrialization by introducing import barriers the strong economic growth of Mexico in the following years provided the foundation for his inclusive education policies. The market forces of capitalism had until Crdenas's time maintained the status quo of the oppression of the indigenous people of Mexico. His administration brought in agrarian reform however, Crdenas was not fully focused on social transformation, although his term did manage to stabilize the existing capitalist economy (Dawson, 2004). Overall, Crdenas set out to decrease social inequality while at the same time increasing confience in the Mexican social system. Previous to the Crdenas government, a series o f scientific and educational institutions had tried to understand and up-date the social position of indigenous people, and to integrate them into the wider Mexican community. Indigenism or indigenismo was maintained throughout Crdenas's term, contributing to the revolutionary formation and ethnohistory of Mexico.The assimilationist ideas of Mexico's bureaucrats and scholars between 1917-1934 sought to integrate the indigenous people by having them cast aside their culture (Dawson, 2004). With Crdenas, a more pluralist period of indigenism arose, extending on the belief that indigenous people were 'educatable'. Indian boarding schools were established to educate and modernize the students, however, by to teach in language and to have bureaucrats work within the indigenous communities. The Department of Indigenous Affairs was soon formed, that was oriented toward the education of indigenous people and the maintenance and respect of their culture and religious practices. As part of his goal to encourage the uplifting of Mexico's indigenous peoples, Crdenas put together a series of conferences (i.e., the 'Cardenista indigenous congresses') that included community leaders who would be able to communicate their expectations of the revolutionary state (Dawson, 2004). However, Crdenas did steer away from an extreme pluralist ideal of indigenism, and so maintained the older model of Indian assimilation into Mexican society. Also, the indigenous population did not always choose cultural autonomy, although there were

Monday, July 22, 2019

Personality Theory of Sigmund Freud Essay Example for Free

Personality Theory of Sigmund Freud Essay According to Freud, mankind has only two drives that determine all thoughts, emotions, and desires- the need for sex and aggression. Sex is the equivalent of life- after all it is how we procreate the species and continue our lineage. Aggression often leads to its equivalent – death- which is also a control measure for procreating the species as it allows us to remove an adversary that may prevent procreation. Freud proposed that there are three levels to our personalities- the Id , the Ego, and the Superego. At birth, we are born with the Id, which he described as being the part of the personality that demands our basic needs. It is important because it drives our instinct to obtain our basic needs and keep ourselves alive. It looks only for satisfaction of a hunger, whether it is for food, comfort or any other pleasurable sensation. As a child interacts in his first three years of life, the Ego begins to form. The Ego begins to realize there are others that have needs and that interaction in the world means thinking of this and responding accordingly. Around five, the formation of the Superego starts as the child becomes trained in the moral and ethical ideas of his caregivers- it is often compared to the conscience. Throughout the rest of our life the Ego serves as the mediator between the Superego and the Id, keeping us from becoming either totally self-centered and demanding or rigid and unbending in our interactions with others. In the fights with the Id and Superego, the Ego develops various defense mechanisms to help keep the balance. These defense mechanisms help the ego sate the id’s impulsiveness without offending the Superego’s moral position- all the while keeping reality in check. Some of these defenses include denial, intellectualization, regression and sublimation. Perhaps the most debated of Freud’s writings is his theory of psychosexual development and it’s five stages. The first stage, which stretches from birth to 18 months, is the oral stage where the baby is focused on the pleasures associated with sucking. From 18 months to age three, the child is in the anal stage, where pleasure is derived from retaining and releasing. The phallic stage covers age’s three to six, in which the pleasure zone switches to the genitals. This is the stage in which the Oedipal complex comes into play. The latency stage stretches from age six to puberty during which pleasures are repressed in order for learning to take place. From puberty to death, we are in the genital stage in which our pleasure derives from the genitals. While many of his theories are not as popular today, Freud laid the groundwork for understanding the human mind. References Heffner, Christopher L, â€Å"Personality Theory† retrieved on May 29, 2009 from http://allpsych. com/personalitysynopsis/freud. html Stevenson, David B. â€Å"Psychosexual Stages of Development† retrieved on May 29, 2009 from http://www. victorianweb. org/science/freud/develop. html Felluga, Dino. Modules on Freud: On Psychosexual Development. Introductory Guide to Critical Theory. Purdue U. retrieved on May 29, 2009 from http://www. purdue. edu/guidetotheory/psychoanalysis/freud. html.

Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics Essay Example for Free

Evaluation of a Business Code of Ethics Essay The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in refining problem-solving capabilities that organizations already possess for use in business ethics applications. This paper uses a structured, objective format sometimes called a system of inquiry. This assignment is a systematic formalized inquiry into or examination of the code of ethics of an organization and its effects to achieve a specific level of ethical behavior in employees, management, and executives. Each business should have a framework for ensuring ethical behavior. The structure, format, and scope of codes vary depending on the company’s business. An oil companys code, for example, would probably have different criteria and emphases than a healthcare providers code of ethics. Sometimes, codes of ethics are called by other names, such as an employee code of conduct. A code of ethics, though, should be differentiated from standard good operating practices. Evaluation and analysis includes problem solving and behavior in assessing organizational ethics along with decision-making processes. In this case, you are evaluating your own company’s code of ethics, or that of another company if your employer does not have a code of ethics. Write a 1,200- to 1,400-word paper, one not using question-and-answer format, discussing your organization’s code of ethics in detail. Perform the following steps: Â · Obtain a copy of your employers code of ethics or find an example on the Internet from a major corporation, such as Shell Oil Company’s Statement of Ethics. This is the document upon which to base your inquiry. Â · Write a general information paragraph on the company, including its mission statement. Â · Determine the type of ethical system used by the firm and reasons or examples upon which you based your decisions. Ethical systems include ends-driven, relativistic, entitlement, and duty-driven (legal or religious) ethics. Â · Identify and discuss how the code of ethics is used. Include several paragraphs on each use: one for employees, one for management, one for the board of directors, and so forth. Some of this information comes from the company’s code of ethics. Others may be available through an Internet search. Consider the following: o Why it is used—the general or special circumstances o How it is used o When it is used Note. You may not be able to find all the information. In that case, state this fact and indicate which sources were examined with no results. Â · Why might the organization need to modify their existing code of ethics? Consider how you might modify the code if you were the new CEO and how you would implement the changes. Â · What possible reactions to the code are to be expected from employees and managers? What effects does the organizational culture have on the acceptance of the code? Â · What is the effect of the code on the organization? Â · Summarize the results of your systematic analysis or inquiry into the code of ethics of this organization.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Survival Of The Huaorani Warriors Theology Religion Essay

Survival Of The Huaorani Warriors Theology Religion Essay The Huaorani Warriors of Ecuador have a rich culture including Gender relations, Beliefs and Values, and Sickness and Healing. They are cultivators as well as hunters who live in the Amazonian Rainforest in South America. Most Huaorani make their homes in northeastern Ecuador, but interestingly are not familiar with normal Ecuadorian culture. According to BBC News World (2011) The Huaorani have only had contact with outsiders in the last century. They are known to have killed oil workers in the 1940s, when Shell Oil had a station on their territory. Many Huaorani were relocated in the 1970s to make way for oil exploration The Huaorani are famous for being an aggressive, warlike community who disliked and killed Westerners. Huaorani and their advocates are involved in legal battles with oil companies that have built pipelines through their traditional lands. To this day, Huaorani continue to battle these pipelines. Even though living in the fo rest offered protection, they are hunters as well as cultivators and will kill to protect their way of life. Their populations of approximately 4,000 speak a Huaorani language, and studies have shown that this language is not associated with any other languages spoken in Ecuador. The Huaorani people have different features those of other tribes in Ecuador. The Huaorani people are sandwiched between the Curaray and Napo rivers which is notorious for the oil trap and logging which in Ecuador can get people in trouble with the law. This community is well known for the gruesome way they attack foreigners and other tribes around them to protect their culture. (Kaplan, Larrick, Yost, 1980). The Huaorani, Waorani or Waodani also known as the Waos are foragers. In their society women and men have equal gender relations. For the Huaorani people, the women and men are considered equal, comparing to their neighboring tribe, the Kichwas, where the women are not equal but less than men. Women are responsible for cultivating and harvesting the crops while the men hunt. As such, they are both foragers and horticulturalists hunting using their spears to kill animals and cultivate manioc and bananas. Although they make family decisions together the women are very strong and can take care of themselves. Traditionally, a Huaorani settlement pattern consist of self-sufficient and isolated residential units with an average of twenty to thirty members inhabiting each longhouse. Kinship and marriage were structured by bilateral descent and cross cousin marriages. Cross cousin marriage divides people into two types, parallel cousins which are considered as siblings and cross cousins who could be potential spouses. The women may leave their spouse if they choose to, unlike the other tribe. The Huaorani have low birth rate unlike their neighbors. The Huaorani people usually only have two or three children. The Huaorani people limit and control their birth rates because of the availability of food. The women made a special blend of tea from items in the forest to use as birth control to prevent children. Men and women cannot survive without each others presence because each has their own duties to fulfill within the tribe. Their main hunting weapon is the blow gun and the arrows used are dipped in curare poison to paralyze the muscles of the animals being targeted. The huaorani were against eating deer, because they thought that deer eyes look very similar to human eyes. Spears were used for person to person conflict and settling of scores especially with the Western civilization. The Huaorani people made unusual outfits. There is a fruit, called achiote, which gives a red extract. They utilize this to paint items and their bodies as well as on special days. They use teeth of boars and the feathers of birds. The Huaorani men would consider a kome a form of cloth. This is a string like that ties to the foreskin and around the men waist. The Huaorani people have long hair in the back and their banes are cut all the way to the back of the ears. The Huaorani elders ears are pierced in a loop like ring. The various rings over time create a large drooping circle which hangs below the ear. Since this is an excruciating process present generations have stopped doing this. The pain is so unbearable that the bravest men have complained about the pain. This painful process normally begins in childhood. The term Huaorani means human beings or the people, and they refer to everyone else as cowode or non-humans. According to the various studies conducted the Huaoranis have come to be known for their way of isolating themselves from everyone by remaining in the forest. This way of life is due to their belief of the forest being a source of protection from anything and anyone that may cause harm to them. As a result, they believe everything outside of the forest is unsafe. This way of life forces them to hunt and gather food from their natural surroundings. Their beliefs and values play a major part on how they hunt and must gathering food for their daily diet. According to the Huaorani people, there are specific animals that may not be hunted. This also includes monkeys, wild peccaries, and birds for this there are some animals that cannot be eaten by anyone. As to the belief and values, anything that has features similar to a human can fall in that category as well. A deer would be one example. Hunting to gain profit within the society is deemed as an unethical matter. In many cases the Huaorani people believe that the spirit of the animals killed continue to live in the forest. This affects the way of how hunting and eating is done within the Huaorani society. This belief and value limits the type of species they are allowed to hunt for food. On the other hand, the forest is generally important in society since it provide them with medicines and other sources of food. The Huaorani community possesses a lot of knowledge concerning the botanical and medicinal values of plants in the forest. Plants are considered a part of the life of this community, since they are a part of the forest. (Kaplan, Larrick, Yost, 1980). The Huaorani people hold animist religious views, they believe spirits inhabit their forest, and that the Huaorani originally descended from the union of a jaguar and an eagle. The Huaorani people believe that a large serpent, when they pass on to the afterlife, is guarding the way to the spirit world and they must escape in order to enter the heaven. If unable to escape the serpent the dead would return as an animal. For this reason there is a limit on what animals that may be hunted for food. Unfortunately, this taboo has resulted in an even more limited amount of resources to hunt. Huaorani people are not allowed to hunt and eat certain animals such as the jaguar. This is because the jaguar is a significant and outstanding creature in the spirit world. They believe that the jaguar and the eagle have come together to create mankind. Some elders have the capacity to communicate with the spirit world generally adopt Jaguar sons. Jaguar sons were able to communicate both medical and s piritual knowledge. As a result, from this belief the Huaorani people highly respect the jaguar and hence they should not be hunted. (Man, 1982) When the Huaorani people die and pass over into the afterlife, they believe that a person should embark on a journey to get to heaven. During this journey, there would be a serpent in the middle of the persons journey. Only the strongest could jump over the serpent to get to heaven. The souls that do not make it over would descend back to earth as an animal. The Huaoranis are feared by everyone around them because of how violent they were known to be. The Huaorani people are fierce and unpredictable. They seem unemotional and which made it very difficult for anyone to interpret their mood or behavior. The Huaorani were feared greatly because they would violently kill with vengeance anyone who stood against them. Generally any conflict with the Huaorani resulted in the other person being speared. In the Waorani world there would be no difference between the present life and the life after death. The Huaorani once saw the world as a big forest. The basic entity for their culture dependency and existence remains in the enormous rain forest. The forest is their home. Since the outside world is considered to be a risk factor they remain in the forest for protection of all things that may cause harm to them. They consider the river and the trees a part of their life. This is what they are taught to understand as they raised up in the Huaorani community. The Huaorani people believe that animals exist spiritually and physically. They say that when you die a great serpent is waiting for you to prevent you from crossing over into heaven. All spirits that fail returns to suffer on earth. On earth these animals are recognized, respected, and cannot be harmed. They believed in the presence of animal spirits. The animal spirits are released when an animal is killed and harm its killer if it is not properly placated. The animals spirit may cause physical harm to the killer and potentially others. As the Huaorani people hunt for survival, they prepare the curare for the dead animals. Mengatoi are special people that live within the Huaorani community. The Mengatoi are believed to be able to transform into jaguars and also have the ability cure diseases and illnesses. If the Mengatoi has an ill patient, they will make dark colored psychoactive potion from a Banisteriopsis vine called Mii. This potion is made to cure the sick. The Mengatoi will then take the potion while sitting with the patient who is ill. Then as the Mengatoi is mediating and communicating with the animal spirits on behalf of the ill patient to make the person go back to feeling as their normal self again. The healing process must take place in the hours of darkness to take. Therefore, the process always takes place at night in the hours of darkness. The Mengatoi will follow the jaguar spirit which will lead them to a plant which in return will be the cure for ill stricken patient. They may take and blow peppers on the patients chest, or the Mengatois may suck on the persons head and then simply spit the sickness onto the ground. At the end of the process, the Mengatoi will give the patient a prescription of the herbs for them to take in the days to come. The Huaorani people are no longer travelers and presently have a permanent community. The settlements are made of five groups which are the Tagareri, Onamenane, Huinature and Taromenane. They isolate themselves at their own free will from our civilization to prevent unwanted influence. Technological advances have transformed the world and the Huaorani prefer to remain isolated with the forest. According to the Huaorani people, the forest is a safe haven from danger and the unknown supernatural. They only treasure what they do best which is hunting, gathering, and protecting their environment. They believe that plants and animals are connected by a spiritual as well as physical life force. Therefore they value the presence of animals and respect them when they are hunting because they believe that when someone dies they come back in animal form. This tribe has an ordinary way of healing their wound and sicknesses with herbs found in the Amazon. (Man, 1982) For the Huaorani, the forest is home, while the outside world is considered unsafe: living in the forest offered protection from the witchcraft and attacks of neighboring peoples ( In the U.S. hunting is more of a hobby or leisure activity rather than a source of survival. But to the Huaorani hunting is a major part of their survival. They are known to have killed oil workers in the 1940s, when Shell Oil had a station on their territory. And in 1970s many Huaorani were relocated to settlements to make way for oil exploration Culture includes knowledge, beliefs, values, laws, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by people as a member of ones society. Due to the global demand for oil the Huaorani society and culture has changed forever. I believe the Huaorani had a right to kill the corporate giants who invaded their territory interrupting their primary mode of subsistence as well as their cu lture and way of life. Huaorani and their advocates are involved in legal battles with oil companies that have built pipelines through the rainforest of South America. To this day, Huaorani continue to battle these pipelines.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Menu for Sandwichman :: Free Descriptive Essays

Menu for Sandwichman Sandwichman is the name for our sandwich restaurant. Sandwichman was started by four college students at Iowa State University: Rajane Patel, Ashlyn Bloom, Rachel Te, and Agus Leonardo. We decided to open this sandwich restaurant at 1000 Duff Avenue here in Ames, Iowa. The basic colors for our sandwich restaurant are orange and yellow. My responsibilities in building this sandwich restaurant are designing and preparing the menu. The Menu is considered to be the most important aspect in order to build a restaurant because a menu tells what the restaurant offers. In order to create a menu for this restaurant, several items need to be considered, such as: prices, type of ingredients, and the nutritional facts for the sandwiches we offered. I have done some research about the menu from other sandwich restaurants. In this paper, I would like to discuss all these items. Prices are one of the most important considerations for people who want to buy a sandwich. In order to determine the right prices for our sandwiches, we have to know our targeting customers first. In this case, the majority of our targeting customers are students and people who are living in the lower economic class. Because of these targeting customers, the price for a sandwich in our restaurant is relatively cheaper than in other sandwich restaurants, such as: Subway, Jimmy John's, etc. Moreover, our sandwich restaurant is built as a low-profit restaurant. The price for all sandwiches in our restaurant will be $3.75. They all have the same price because it will be easier for the internal operation of the restaurant, especially the cashier. Moreover, having the same price enables the customers to pay for any sandwich more conveniently and easily too. Besides that, our restaurant also provides meal packages. These meal packages consist of a sandwich, a drink, and chips. In these meal packages, customers are free to choose what kind of sandwich, drink, and chips they want to have. These meal packages will cost $5.00 for one meal. Beside sandwiches and meal packages, our sandwich restaurant also provides salads, chips, and drinks. Salads will cost $3.00; chips will cost $0.75; and drinks(soda and lemonade) will cost $1.00. However, iced tea will cost only $0.75. The payment for the sandwiches can be done by cash or credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover will work. Choosing the right type of ingredients is a major concern for this menu.

Dealing With Having Back Surgery :: Personal Narrative Athletics Medical Sports Essay

Dealing With Having Back Surgery Starting my freshman year at County High School, I played basketball and loved every minute of it. I wouldn’t be conceited enough to say I was good, but God did bless me with the talent to play. My life revolved around the sport of basketball; some would say I slept, ate, and breathed every part of it. I spent all my time training and practicing to make myself a more dedicated athlete. This dedication not only helped me as a player, but also molded me into the person I am today. It somehow helped to prepare me for what defeat I would face with back surgery in the future. Beginning as a freshman I started every game never, but to sit on the bench unless there was a major problem. This repetitious cycle mirrored itself over and over again until there was a problem, physically, with my body. I had felt a pain in my back that ran down my leg for some time, but no one other than me knew of this pain. I am a very strong willed and determined person, not letting pain stand in my way. The pain started to vaguely effect my everyday activities, such as walking across Wal-mart which put me in agonizing pain. The only way I played basketball with this pain was by focusing on the goal I was out to achieve. My mother took me to see a back specialist named, Dr. Johnson at the Knoxville Orthopedic Center in Knoxville, TN who explained this pain I was having generated a major problem. It never came to my realization how serious this could be, or what it could do to my basketball career. Tests after tests including MRI’s, X-rays, and experimental procedures were performed to show I had five ruptured disks in the lower lumbar section of my back. Tedious Examination done by a group of doctors concluded I had a crippling disease of the spinal column called spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that causes compression of the spinal cord. (Lohr,1) If this disease was ignored any longer, it would lead to many other problems affecting other areas of my back to help support this weakness. It was an extremely rare case for an athlete my age.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Children And Play In The First Essay -- essays research papers

Child’s Play: The First Two Years of Life In the first two years of life play is both a reflection of and an influence on all areas of infant development: intellectual, social, emotional and physical. Play is a central, all–encompassing characteristic of infant development, allowing children to learn about the world and themselves. Even during the first half-year of life infant’s really do play, even though the interpretation of what is play and what is exploration must first be established. The focus of this paper is to discuss three forms of play that occur during the first two years of life. The work of Jean Piaget and other psychologists in supporting and developing these ideas is critical. The first of these is sensorimotor play which begins with the infant’s accidental discovery of an activity that is inherently satisfying, and consists of the continuos repetition of that activity for the sheer joy of doing so (Hughes, 1991). The second is play with objects involves the intentional handling of an o bject that leads to satisfaction from the handling. Finally symbolic play is the use of mental representation, in which one object represents another (Hughes, 1991). Exploration or Play?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The differences between play and exploration can be difficult to assess. When infants are exploring their surroundings, they are usually cautious and serious. While examining an item during exploration an infant would smell, taste and perhaps rub the item against his/her cheek in a ritualistic manner. In play however, an infant would jump from one object to another without care, and play activities are completely devoid of the rigidity previously described.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Finally, when children explore their entire attention is drawn on the object begin explored. Their heart rates are steady, and they are unwilling to be interrupted. Yet, during play the children’s heart rate is variable and they are interrupted easily (Hughes, 1991). It should be easier to tell the difference between play and exploration using these behavioral differences as a guideline. Sensorimotor Play   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first year of life consists of what Jean Piaget called sensorimotor play or practice play (Piaget, 1962), the repetition of already assimilated sensory or motor activities for the sheer pleasure of doing so. Piaget suggests th... ... even more sophisticated, as children combine objects in play, use them appropriately, and begin incorporating them into symbolic play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Symbolic play is characterized by a serious of levels that suddenly appear in the second year. Further development is seen as each level is symbolic play is explored. Decentration refers to the degree that a child is able to shift focus from self to external objects. Decontextualization refers to the use of one object as a substitute for another, and integration is the organization of play into complex patterns. References Garvey, C. (1990). Play. Cambridge: Harvard University. Hughes, F. P. (1991). Children, play and development. Boston: Allyn/Bacon. Piaget, J. (1962). Play, dreams, and imitation in childhood. New York: Norton. Piaget, J. (1963). The origins of intelligence in children. New York: Free Press. Rosenblatt, D. (1977). Developmental trends in infant play. In B. Tizard & D. Harvey   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Eds.), The biology of play. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Sheridan, M.D. (1977). Spontaneous play in early childhood from birth to six years.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  England: NFER Publishing.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Kurt Cobain Essay

Kurt Donald Cobain (February 20, 1967 – c. April 5, 1994) was an American musician and artist. He was best known as the lead singer, guitarist, and primary songwriter of the grunge band Nirvana. Cobain formed Nirvana with Krist Novoselic in Aberdeen, Washington, in 1985 and established it as part of the Seattle music scene, having its debut album Bleach released on the independent record label Sub Pop in 1989. After signing with major label DGC Records, the band found breakthrough success with â€Å"Smells Like Teen Spirit† from its second album Nevermind (1991). Following the success of Nevermind, Nirvana was labeled â€Å"the flagship band† of Generation X, and Cobain hailed as â€Å"the spokesman of a generation†.[1] Cobain, however, was often uncomfortable and frustrated, believing his message and artistic vision to have been misinterpreted by the public, with his personal issues often subject to media attention. He challenged Nirvana’s audience with its final studio album In Utero (1993). It did not match the sales figures of Nevermind but was still a critical and commercial success. During the last years of his life, Cobain struggled with heroin addiction, illness and depression. He also had difficulty coping with his fame and public image, and the professional and lifelong personal pressures surrounding himself and his wife, musician Courtney Love. On April 8, 1994, Cobain was found dead at his home in Seattle, the victim of what was officially ruled a suicide by a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head. The circumstances of his death at age 27 have become a topic of public fascination and debate. Since their debut, Nirvana, with Cobain as a songwriter, has sold over 25 million albums in the US, and over 75 million worldwide. Cobain was inducted – along with fellow Nirvana members Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl – into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014, the first year in which they were eligible. Early life Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967, at Grays Harbor Hospital in Aberdeen, Washington,[2] to a waitress, Wendy Elizabeth (nà ©e Fradenburg) (born 1948),[3] and an automotive mechanic, Donald Leland Cobain (born 1946). His parents were married on July 31, 1965 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. His ancestry included Irish, English, Scottish, and German.[4][5][6] Cobain’s Irish ancestors migrated from Carrickmore, County Tyrone in the north of Ireland in 1875.[6] Researchers have found them to have been shoemakers, originally named Cobane, who came from Inishatieve, a townland within Carrickmore parish, settling in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, and then in Washington.[7] Cobain himself believed his family came from County Cork in southern Ireland.[8] Cobain had one younger sister named Kimberly, born on April 24, 1970.[3][5] Cobain’s family had a musical background. His maternal uncle Chuck Fradenburg starred in a band called The Beachcombers, his Aunt Mari Earle played guitar and performed in bands throughout Grays Harbor County, and his great-uncle Delbert had a career as an Irish tenor, making an appearance in the 1930 film King of Jazz. Cobain was described as being a happy and excitable, while sensitive and caring child. His talent as an artist was evident from an early age. His bedroom was described as having taken on the appearance of an art studio,[2] where he would accurately draw his favorite characters  from films and cartoons such as Aquaman, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Disney characters like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Pluto.[9] This enthusiasm was encouraged by his grandmother Iris Cobain, who was a professional artist herself. Cobain began developing an interest in music early in his life. According to his Aunt Mari, he began singing at two years old. At age four, Cobain started playing the piano and singing, writing a song about their trip to a local park. He listened to artists like the Ramones[10] and Electric Light Orchestra[11] and would sing songs like Arlo Guthrie’s â€Å"Motorcycle Song,† The Beatles’ â€Å"Hey Jude†, Terry Jacks’ â€Å"Seasons in the Sun† and the theme song to The Monkees television show at a young age.[12] When Cobain was seven years old, his parents divorced.[13] Later in his life, he said the divorce had a profound effect on his life. His mother noted that his personality changed dramatically; Cobain became defiant and withdrawn.[14] In a 1993 interview, he elaborated: â€Å"I remember feeling ashamed, for some reason. I was ashamed of my parents. I couldn’t face some of my friends at school anymore, because I desperately wanted to have the classic, you know, typical family. Mother, father. I wanted that security, so I resented my parents for quite a few years because of that.†[15] Cobain’s parents both found new partners after the divorce. His father had promised not to remarry; however, after meeting Jenny Westeby, he did, to Kurt’s dismay.[16] Kurt, his father, Westeby, and her two children Mindy and James, moved into a new household together. Cobain liked Westeby at first, who gave him the maternal attention he desired.[16][17] In January 1979, Westeby gave birth to a boy, Chad Cobain.[16] This new family, which Cobain insisted was not his real one, was in stark contrast to the attention Cobain was used to receiving as an only boy; he soon began to express resentment toward his stepmother.[16][17] Kurt’s mother began dating a man who was abusive. Cobain witnessed the domestic violence inflicted upon her, with one incident resulting in her being hospitalized with a broken arm.[17][18] Wendy steadfastly refused to press charges, remaining completely committed  to the relationship.[18] Kurt behaved insolently toward adults. He began bullying another boy at school. These behaviors eventually caused his father and Westeby to take him to a therapist, who concluded that Kurt would benefit in a single family environment.[18] Both sides of the family attempted to bring his parents back together, but to no avail. On June 28, 1979, Cobain’s mother granted full custody of Kurt to his father.[19] Cobain’s teenage rebellion quickly became overwhelming for his father, who placed Kurt in the care of family and friends. While living with the born-again Christian family of his friend Jesse Reed, Cobain became a devout Christian and regularly attended church services. Cobain later renounced Christianity, engaging in what would be described as â€Å"anti-God† rants. The song â€Å"Lithium† is about his experience while living with the Reed family. Religion would remain an important part of Cobain’s personal life and beliefs, as he often used Christian imagery in his work and maintained a constant interest in Jainism and Buddhist philosophy. The band name Nirvana was taken from the Buddhist concept, which Cobain described as â€Å"freedom from pain, suffering and the external world,† which paralleled with the punk rock ethic and ideology. Cobain would regard himself as both a Buddhist and a Jain during different points of his life, educating himself about the philosophies through various sources, including through watching late night television documentaries on both subjects.[20][21][22] Although not interested in sports, Kurt was enrolled in a junior high school wrestling team at the insistence of his father. Kurt was a skilled wrestler, yet despised the experience. Because of the ridicule he endured from his teammates and coach, he allowed himself to be pinned, in an attempt to sadden his father. Later, his father enlisted him in a Little League Baseball team, where Cobain would intentionally strike out to avoid playing on the team.[23] Cobain befriended a homosexual student at school, and suffered bullying from heterosexual students who concluded that Cobain was gay. In an interview he  said that he liked having the identity of being gay because he did not like people and when they thought he was gay they left him alone. Kurt stated, â€Å"I started being really proud of the fact that I was gay even though I wasn’t†. His friend tried to kiss him and Kurt backed away and told his friend he was not gay but would still be friends with him. In a 1993 interview with The Advocate, Cobain claimed that he was â€Å"gay in spirit† and â€Å"probably could be bisexual.† He also stated that he used to spray paint â€Å"God Is Gay† on pickup trucks in the Aberdeen area. Aberdeen police records show that Cobain was arrested for spray painting the phrase â€Å"Ain’t got no how watchamacallit† on other vehicles.[24] One of his personal journals states, â€Å"I am not gay, althou gh I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes.†[25] Cobain enjoyed creating works of art. He would often draw during school classes, including objects associated with human anatomy. When given a caricature assignment for an art course, Cobain drew a posing Michael Jackson. When his art teacher told him the caricature would be inappropriate to be displayed in a school hallway, Cobain drew an unflattering sketch of then-President Ronald Reagan.[26] As attested to by several of Cobain’s classmates and family members, the first concert he attended was Sammy Hagar and Quarterflash at the Seattle Center Coliseum in 1983.[2][27] Cobain, however, claimed that the first concert he attended was the Melvins; he wrote prolifically in his Journals of the experience.[28] As a teenager living in Montesano, Cobain eventually found escape through the thriving Pacific Northwest punk scene, going to punk rock shows in Seattle. Cobain soon began frequenting the practice space of fellow Montesano musicians the Melvins. During his second year in high school, Cobain began living with his mother in Aberdeen. Two weeks prior to graduation, he dropped out of Aberdeen High School upon realizing he did not have enough credits to graduate. His mother gave him a choice: find employment or leave. After one week, Cobain found his clothes and other belongings packed away in boxes.[29] Feeling banished from his own mother’s home, Cobain stayed with friends, occasionally sneaking back into his mother’s basement.[30] Cobain also claimed during  periods of homelessness to have lived under a bridge over the Wishkah River,[30] an experience that inspired the Nevermind track â€Å"Something in the Way†. However, Nirvana bassist Krist Novoselic said, â€Å"He hung out there, but you couldn’t live on those muddy banks, with the tides coming up and down. That was his own revisionism.†[31] In late 1986 Cobain moved into an apartment, paying his rent by working at â€Å"The Polynesian Resort†, a Polynesian coastal resort approximately 20 miles (32 km) north of Aberdeen.[32] During this period, he was traveling frequently to Olympia, Washington to go to rock concerts.[33] During his visits to Olympia, Cobain formed a relationship with Tracy Marander. The couple had a close relationship, but one that was often strained with financial difficulties and Cobain’s absence when touring. Marander supported the couple by working at the cafeteria of the Seattle–Tacoma International Airport, often stealing food. Cobain spent most of his time sleeping into the late evening, watching television and concentrating on art projects. Marander’s insistence that he get a job caused arguments that influenced Cobain to write â€Å"About a Girl†, which was featured on the Nirvana album Bleach. Marander is credited with having taken the cover photo for the alb um. Marander was not aware that â€Å"About a Girl† was written about her until years after Cobain’s death.[34][35][36][37][38][39] Soon after Marander separated from him, Cobain began dating Tobi Vail, an influential DIY punk zinester of the riot grrrl band Bikini Kill. After meeting Vail, Cobain vomited as he was so completely overwhelmed with anxiety regarding his infatuation with her. This event would inspire the lyric: â€Å"Love you so much it makes me sick,† which would appear in the song â€Å"Aneurysm†.[40] While Cobain would regard Vail as his female counterpart, his relationship with her waned. Cobain desired the maternal comfort of a traditional relationship, which Vail regarded as sexist within a countercultural punk rock community. Those who dated Vail would be described by her friend Alice Wheeler as â€Å"fashion accessories.†[39] Kurt and Tobi spent most of their time together as a couple discussing political and philosophical issues. In 1990 they collaborated on a musical project called â€Å"Bathtub Is Real†, in which both Vail and Cobain sang, played guitar and  d rums. They recorded their songs on a four-track tape machine that belonged to Vail’s father. In Everett True’s 2009 book â€Å"Nirvana: The Biography†[41] Vail is quoted as saying â€Å"(Kurt) would play the songs he was writing, I would play the songs I was writing and we’d record them on my dad’s four-track. Sometimes I’d sing on the songs he was writing and play drums on them†¦.. He was really into the fact that I was creative and into music. I don’t think he’d ever played music with a girl before. He was super-inspiring and fun to play with.† Slim Moon described their sound as â€Å"†¦ like the minimal quiet pop songs that Olympia is known for. Both of them sang; it was really good.†[42] Cobain’s relationship with Vail would inspire the lyrical content of many of the songs on Nevermind. Once, while discussing anarchism and punk rock with friend Kathleen Hanna, Hanna spray-painted â€Å"Kurt Smells Like Teen Spirit† on Kurt’s apartment wall. Teen Spirit was the name of a deodorant Vail wore; Hanna joked that Cobain smelled like it. Cobain, unaware of this, initially interpreted the slogan as having a revolutionary meaning. The slogan inspired the title to the song â€Å"Smells Like Teen Spirit†.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cloud Based IT Solutions

For legal team communication, information on veil is greatly appreciated as it lessens the numeral of mail threads and attachments. The members are wedded edit permissions to simultaneously update the charge up and the administrator can manage the coating and the users.Cost Effective and ScalableBuying software and deploying in item-by-item systems involves a lot of money and ironware quadriceps femoris.Hence Small Medium surface Enterprises (SMEs) prefer using denigrate applications to defame cost. Other benefits entangle automatic updates and half-hourly maintenance, unlimited storage capacity and leisurely access from any(prenominal) geographical location. Pay-as-you-go molding is common on all veil applications or rather its one-time payment and in a graduate(prenominal)er place all the dish ups are climbable according to the end users requirement without any impact on the performance.To ensure credential measures have been implemented the service provide r issues service level agreements (SLAs) to the legitimate users.DisadvantagesAlthough thither are lots of pros in deprave reckon, one has to accept the fact at that place can always be an outage or some technical problems. Theres a high risk involved in transferring cloak-and-dagger data to cloud and hence the companys are expected to make sure their data is secured with their service provider.Hackers steal data from a physical machine through side-channel flaming by monitoring the cached data from a virtual machine. Side-channel attacks are a folk of attacks where an attacker attempts to assess the state of a cryptographic device and its contents. Botnet attack is hitherto another crucial issue when cattish codes are injected where the authentic users are denied access. Kourik states newborn vulnerabilities inherent to Cloud computing include breaches from one virtual computing space to another, misappropriation of session security from wind vane protocols, and limited encryption capabilities in some(prenominal) protocols.(2011)Due to resource pooling, the data entered by the previous user may be retrieved through data recovery and accessed by the current allocated user.The other issues include hardship to access data during internet downtime (typically during lifelike calamities) and flexibility to swap other cloud applications and delayed or no cheer customer support. Although the SLAs are produced by the service provider, the user is bound to do the collectable diligence periodically as there are possibilities of having difference administrative laws passim the world.ReferencesADDIN EN.REFLIST Ali, M., Khan, S. U., & Vasilakos, A. V. (2015).Security in cloud computing Opportunities and challenges. data Sciences, 305, 357. Anca, A., Florina, P., Geanina, U., George, S., & Gyorgy, T. (2014).New Classes of Applications in the Cloud. Evaluating Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing for Telemetry Applications.Database Systems Journa l(1), 3-14. Choo, K.-K. R. (2010).Cloud computing challenges and future directions.(Trends & issues)(Report).Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 1.

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Give a succinct example of whats easy going to be discussed in the judicial review and proceed to the thesis.Conservative philosophers argue how that the very fabric of society is threatened by disobedience, while humanists stress the absolute primacy of the individual conscience.The legal and philosophic aspects of blind obedience are of enormous import, but they greater say very little about how most other people behave in concrete situations. I set up a simple second experiment at Yale University to test how much severe pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another first person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority what was pitted against the subjects’ strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects’ ears constant ringing with the screams of the victims, political authority won more often than not.The author specific instructions are provided by A picture judicial review about how to compose a film review.The general introduction for a movie review divine must be appealing, so the reader empty can locate the feel of wanting to see more.

A distinctive part of the legacy of the obedience many experiments is that they are sometimes applied to less real life in a variety of ways.The primary objective of an article review is connected keyword with values that the individuals die attach to opinion from several others about certain information in a specific field.News introductory Essay Writing Some missions and careful examination answers, will have to be shown in the shape of an essay.Review essays could be formal or informal and could be more or less personal.

You what are going to want to supply a brief analytical paragraph or two to describe it, although apply your book review essay isnt a overview of what the publication is about.Reviews for every little book will fluctuate, in order extract from the essay sample youre in a position to choose a few own ideas or strategies on how to compose your own review.What follows is one of one many approaches to organize a review.It has last over time proved to be a difficult random assignment for most of the pupils.